Searchperts - Maximize your ROI with Google Ads

4.9 / 5 Sterne bei Google-Rezensionen

0211 239 643 82

Bismarckstraße 85
40210 Düsseldorf Mitte

We help maximize the ROI of Google Ads in Germany and the EU

with Google Ads & CRO from searchperts


  • Are you already investing in Google Ads on a monthly basis?

    We collaboratively develop and execute a tailored Google Ads strategy for your business success.

  • Setting up ads once is enough, right? Wrong!

    No standstill - we continuously take care of your account. Your designated Account Manager continuously tests and refines your ads performance.

  • Result: Real customers instead of expensive Google clicks

    Access to professional know-how from over 1500 campaigns, over 10 million euros budget successfully managed in Google Ads, resulting in a turnover of 90 million euros.

4.9 / 5 Sternen auf Basis von 48 Rezensionen


Over 50 German and other European customers entrust us with their Google Ads budget

  • 🚀 6x sales for RheinNatur supplements via Google Ads
  • 🚀 460.957.50€ revenue in 3 months with ROAS 20.9 for bicycle shop
  • 🚀 Erden-Shop grew to 7-digit turnover in one year through Google Ads
  • 🚀 Home & garden store: 7-digit annual revenue achieved with 58% less ad spend
  • 🚀 650 configurator enquiries/month for window and folding door systems with a budget of 18.000€
  • 🚀167 B2C leads in 30 days, 64 new customers for transport company
  • 🚀 Electricity provider: Leads increased by 300% in 3 months, price per lead by 45%
  • 🚀 +174 qualified enquiries/month for medical care center
  • 🚀 50 qualified enquiries/month for specialist cleaners with a budget of 3.400€
  • 🚀 143 qualified inquiries for regional moving company in 30 days with 4,700€ budget
  • 🚀 Self-employed solo entrepreneur: +60.000€ turnover in 3 months at ROAS 7.73

We find potential within your Google Ads account

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+49 0211 239 643 82

available from Monday, 9:00 am

Bismarckstraße 85 40210 Düsseldorf Mitte

Damian Zielinski, Agency owner and managing director

Our Google Ads professionals are known from

We detect undiscovered potential in your Google Ads in Germany and the EU

Pro initiative

Ongoing calls & reporting

In regular Growth-Sessions you coordinate with your personal, designated contact person from our Google Ads agency. Searchperts prepares a monthly performance analysis in the form of a report containing current results and developments in the Google and optionally Bing channels.
A two-hour meeting is scheduled every three months to evaluate the collaboration to date and review the achievement of milestones. In addition, any potential for optimization is identified and the collaboration for the next phase is planned.

Proactive Account Manager

Extremely approachable & committed

Your Digital Marketing Manager SEA is responsible for the operational development and optimization of the campaigns. They are also your contact person - and can be reached by phone and email.

The collaboration with our Google Ads agency includes weekly, and later bi-weekly, growth sessions. Part of this is the evaluation of the current campaigns as well as an exchange on identified optimization potential and next steps to enable optimal performance in order to benefit more from Google Ads.

Das Team von Searchperts stehen zusammen im Düsseldorfer Büro. Alle tragen weiße T-Shirts mit dem Firmenlogo.

Custom CSS Shopping

Save up to 20% on Google Shopping

With the CSS provided by the Searchperts Google Ads agency, online retailers can save up to 20% on their click costs. in Google Shopping. Through structured feed optimization, our Google Ads experts improve the bidding and ad placement to achieve the best possible result in Google Shopping Ads.

As a result, we improve the ROI of online retailers and generate more traffic and sales.

We find potential within your Google Ads account

Book a call
Let's go
+49 0211 239 643 82

available from Monday, 9:00 am

Bismarckstraße 85 40210 Düsseldorf Mitte

Damian Zielinski, Agency owner and managing director

The full spectrum of Google Ads campaigns

Google Ads campaigns offer a wide range of opportunities to make companies visible online and effectively address their target groups in Germany and the EU. Here is an overview of what our German Google Adwords agency has to offer:

Brand Campaign

We specialize in using these to target the search queries of users on Google who are already familiar with a brand's name or products.


A powerful tool in our agency’s arsenal. This involves retargeting users who have already shown interest in your brand or product.

Competitor campaigns

In a competitive market, these campaigns aim to increase a brand's visibility compared to its direct competitors.


Our Google Ads agency uses these campaigns to directly traget customers who are ready to buy.


These are Google Adwords that target specific user search queries.

International SEA

In our globalized world, it is important to think beyond national borders.

Conversion rate optimization

A good Google Ads agency knows that it's not just about driving traffic to a website, but also converting it into actual customers or buyers.

Data feed optimization

Often overlooked, this is a crucial aspect of Shopping ads. Improving the quality of product information in a data feed will increase the performance of ads.

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Google Ads support – This is how the collaboration works

Are you interested in working with us for Germany and the EU and would like to know how our Google Ads agency works? This is how we approach successful Google Adwords campaigns:

Initial consultation and analysis

Our collaboration always starts with getting to know you and a Google Adwords consultation. This involves discussing your goals, wishes and expectations. Simultaneously, we carry out an initial analysis of your current online presence.

Strategy development

Based on the analysis of our Google Ads agency, a customized SEA strategy with guaranteed performance is developed.


After approval of the strategy, it's time for our Google Ads agency to get to work. Ads are created by our experts, keywords are selected and campaigns are set up. Our Google Ads agency remains in close contact with you throughout the entire process.

Monitoring and optimization

An essential part of the cooperation with our Google Ads agency is the monitoring of the campaigns. Among other things, we also use our own call tracking technology for monitoring. Based on a series of analyses, your campaigns are continuously optimized by our Google Ads agency.


As part of your collaboration with our Google Ads agency, you will receive regular reports on the success of your campaigns. These offer you a transparent overview of the results achieved.

We find potential within your Google Ads account

Book a call
Let's go
+49 0211 239 643 82

available from Monday, 9:00 am

Bismarckstraße 85 40210 Düsseldorf Mitte

Damian Zielinski, Agency owner and managing director

Advantages of search engine advertising with Searchperts

Search engine advertisements, especially Google Ads campaigns, have established themselves as one of the most effective online marketing tools. This is why search engine advertising with the German Google Ads agency is worthwhile:


With Google Ads campaigns, you can reach a vast audience. With the right strategy, you can specifically target people who are searching for your products or services.

Quick results

While SEO (Search Engine Optimization) takes time, we are able to provide instant visibility and fast results through Google Ads.

Measurable results

A major advantage of our Google Ads agency is transparency and measurability. You can see exactly how many people have seen or clicked on your ad on Google Adwords and how many of them have become customers.

Targeted Marketing

Advanced targeting options allow us to precisely tailor your ads to your target audience.


Google Ads offers you the option of flexibly adjusting your budget. You can pause campaigns, increase or decrease budgets and change ads in real time.


With our Google Ads agency, you have full control over your ads, from the keywords that trigger your ads to the times at which your ads are displayed.

Our excellent solutions for Google Ads in Germany and the EU

Google Ads Coaching & Consulting

  • You want to start with Google Ads
  • Focus on search and retargeting campaigns
  • Goal-oriented Google Ads setup
  • You want to generate more sales
  • Minimum annual turnover of 100.000€

Google Ads Full Service

  • 1:1 Google Ads full service support
  • Optimization of the webshop
  • Developing animated creatives
  • Ongoing support and optimization
  • 20% savings through CSS Shopping
  • Starting at +15.000€ ad spend per month

Once you've created a website, the customers will naturally follow, right? Wrong!

Don't worry! We certainly know the drill. The company Transportgorillas has achieved a breakthrough with Google Ads and Searchperts - 167 leads in 30 days

Thomas Dzienik

Shareholder Managing Director


Achieving success with Searchperts: Average increase in results in Google Ads within the first 12 months

Our clients' Google Ads accounts and campaigns achieve the following average results in the first 12 months of working with Searchperts:

Customer Success Data

  • 218.448€ additional advertising revenue
  • a 45.8% higher conversion rate
  • 4582 additional orders

*Source: Google Ads account, 558.030€ ad spend, 2.175.571€ ad revenue. 19.435 orders

This is what our customers say about the partnership

We help maximize the ROI of Google Ads

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Increase your Google Ads revenue in 2024

Book an appointment with us to find out what sales potential you have! Use the contact form to let us know where you currently are with Google Ads and where you are heading.

We'll assist you in getting there.

You are in good company:

    Only 1 MinuteYour check-in to online marketing for Germany & EU.

    Now it's your turn - tell us something about yourself.

    We detect undiscovered potential in your Google Ads for Germany and the EU

    Damian Zielinski - Founder and CEO of Searchperts

    Damian Zielinski is the brains behind Searchperts and a renowned expert in the fields of Google Ads and e-commerce. With over a decade of experience, he has helped more than 100 companies generate more traffic, leads and sales through targeted online marketing strategies. He was previously awarded as a top performer in Europe by Google in 2014 and was subsequently granted Google Ads Premium Partner status with the Searchperts agency in 2024. This puts him and Searchperts in the top 3% of all agencies.

    The Searchperts Story

    Damian Zielinski had his first encounter with Google Ads back in 2012 - in the iPhone 4 era, when mobile traffic was still in its early stages and Shopping Ads did not even exist in Germany. Fascinated by the possibilities, he quickly became one of the top consultants for Google Ads and mainly supported small to medium-sized companies.

    After a successful time at Indeed, where he oversaw SEO and ads for large companies such as Fielmann, Tchibo and Rossmann, he founded his own company: Searchperts. Clients from his previous job wanted to continue working with him, and Damian recognized the mistakes of other service providers and was determined to do better.

    A pivotal moment came in 2019 when an agency client asked him to launch a joint e-commerce project. Damian and his team used their expertise to set up a profitable online store for box spring mattresses. The store was already profitable in its first month, and within three months it was generating a six-figure monthly turnover. This success quickly attracted other online stores.

    Today, Searchperts Deutschland GmbH oversees over 40 brands on an ongoing basis and has helped more than 100 companies optimize their Google Ads campaigns and stores. With a managed Google Ads spend of over 8 million euros per year and an e-commerce turnover of over 90 million euros with a ROAS of over 900%, Searchperts has achieved impressive results. These successes would have been unthinkable without the bold move to build their own e-commerce brand.

    Frequently asked questions

    How does the agency work to achieve the client's goals?

    Each client is assigned a designated contact person, who is available to you throughout the entire partnership. Your contact will be familiar with your company and your objectives and will ensure that your concerns and requirements are taken into account in the growth calls. This one-on-one service allows us to develop a customized strategy that is tailored to your specific goals.

    We hold regular conversations to assess the progress of your campaigns and plan new strategies. These calls are scheduled at the beginning of our collaboration and take place in regular weekly intervals. During these calls, you can discuss your goals and requirements with us while we provide you with an update on the status of your campaigns. This enables us to monitor your target achievement in real time and make adjustments if necessary.

    Quarterly strategy meetings are held to discuss long-term goals, challenges and new opportunities. In these meetings, we take dedicated time to understand your business goals and to develop customized strategies with you. We take great pride in ensuring that our campaigns meet your objectives and help you maximize your ROI.

    We have our own monitoring dashboard that allows us to monitor the progress of your campaigns in real time. Using this dashboard, we have an overview of all relevant metrics and key figures to ensure that we achieve your goals. Continuous monitoring allows us to react quickly to changes and optimize the performance of your campaigns.

    Our aim is to achieve your goals and help you get the most out of your Google Ads campaigns. Through regular correspondence, primary contacts and strategic discussions, we ensure that we understand your requirements and work towards achieving your goals.

    How is campaign performance measured and tracked?

    • Advanced tracking and monitoring solutions: We implement advanced tracking tools such as Google Analytics to analyze the behavior of your website visitors and the performance of your campaigns. This gives us valuable insights into the effectiveness of your ads, visitor interactions and conversion rates.
    • Looker Studio and Google Analytics-reports: Using our reporting platforms Looker Studio and Google Analytics, we create detailed reports on the most important metrics and key figures of your campaigns. You get insights into clicks, impressions, conversion rates, cost per conversion and many other relevant data to monitor and track the success of your campaigns.
    • Regular Growth Calls: In our regular meetings, we review the performance of your campaigns and share the latest results with you. We analyze the collected data and explain to you how your campaigns are performing and what optimizations can be made to achieve better results.
    • Goal and conversion tracking: We set up goal tracking and conversion tracking to trace the actions of your website visitors. This allows us to measure and optimize the success of specific actions such as lead generation, product purchases or sign-ups.
    • A/B testing and continuous optimization: We regularly carry out A/B tests to test various elements of your campaigns and achieve the best possible results. Based on the insights gained, we continuously optimize your campaigns to improve performance and achieve your goals.

    Tracking and monitoring campaign performance is an essential part of our services. By using advanced tracking and analysis tools along with regular meetings and optimizations, we ensure that your campaigns are successful and achieve the desired ROI.

    How are communication and reporting ensured?

    Communication and reporting are important aspects of our collaboration. We place great importance on transparent and effective communication to ensure that you are always up-to-date on the progress of your Google Ads campaigns.
    To this end, we have implemented various communication and reporting mechanisms:

    • Kick-Off: At the beginning of our partnership, we conduct a kick-off meeting to gather all the important information about your company, your goals and your target group. We want to understand what you want to achieve and how we can assist you accordingly. The kick-off allows us to create a solid foundation for the planning, implementation and optimization of your Google Ads campaigns.
    • Client Intake: As part of the Client Intake process, we collect all relevant data and information required to run your Google Ads campaigns. We will ask you to provide us with access to your Google Ads account, website analytics and other relevant tools. This will allow us to conduct an in-depth analysis and develop a customized strategy tailored to your specific needs.
    • Regular Growth Calls: Regular growth calls: We hold regular meetings to discuss the progress of your campaigns and plan new strategies. In these calls, we will update you on the latest developments, discuss the performance of your campaigns and answer any questions you may have. These calls give you the opportunity to speak directly with our team and discuss your concerns.
    • Designated contact person: Each customer is assigned a designated Digital Marketing Manager as a fixed contact person. Your Digital Marketing Manager is your main contact for all questions, concerns and requests related to your Google Ads campaigns. They are available to coordinate your correspondence and ensure that your requests are dealt with promptly.
    • Reporting via Looker Studio and Google Analytics-reports: To give you a comprehensive overview of the performance of your campaigns, we use advanced reporting tools such as Looker Studio and Google Analytics. These platforms provide you with detailed reports on key metrics, trends and results of your Google Ads campaigns. You can monitor the success of your campaigns and see how your investments are paying off.
    • Strategy meetings: We conduct quarterly strategy meetings to discuss long-term goals, challenges and new opportunities. In these meetings, we take time to understand your business objectives and develop customized strategies aimed at achieving your goals and further increasing the success of your Google Ads campaigns.

    How are the costs and the budget managed?

    Costs and budgets are managed in close consultation with our clients. We place great emphasis on transparency and working in partnership to ensure that your advertising spend is used effectively.
    At the outset of the collaboration, we jointly define a budget that meets your objectives and requirements. We analyze the market, your competitors and your target audience to make an informed budget recommendation. We also take into account the potential value and expected results of your Google Ads campaigns.
    During the collaboration, we continuously monitor the performance of your campaigns. We analyze the data and metrics to measure success and make possible optimizations. In our regular weekly growth sessions, we inform you about current market developments, discuss the performance of your campaigns and decide together on the next steps for budgeting.
    We support you in optimizing your budget allocation to ensure that your budget is used efficiently and that you achieve the best possible ROI.

    Are there testimonials or case studies from previous clients?

    Yes, we have extensive references and case studies from previous clients. You can find these at the top of our website.. Our case studies give you an insight into the work we have done for various clients and show specific results we obtained. The case studies are designed to give you an idea of how we work as an agency and the successes we can achieve. You can see how we have met marketing goals, improved conversion rates, reduced costs and increased sales. If you have any questions or require further references, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    What are the options for cooperation and contract terms?

    We offer various collaboration options and flexible contract terms to meet the individual needs of our customers. Regardless of the phase your company finds itself in and the goals you are pursuing, we have a suitable solution.
    Our contract terms generally vary between 4 weeks and 12 months. Short-term contracts of 4 weeks allow you to use our services on a trial basis and see initial results. Longer contract periods of up to 12 months offer the possibility of a comprehensive collaboration to achieve long-term goals and continuously benefit from our Google Ads services.
    Our team is at your disposal to answer your questions and provide further information on the collaboration and contract modalities. Feel free to contact us to discover more and select the best solution for your business.

    Why Choose Germany for EU Market Entry with Google Ads?

    Germany, the largest economy in the EU, offers immense opportunities for e-commerce with over 2,000 cities participating in online sales. The country’s robust GDP supports a thriving online market, and with 95% of users utilizing Google as their primary search engine, it ensures high reach and precise targeting. Success on other channels, as demonstrated by Amazon, can be scaled effectively in Germany. Local agencies often have limitations, which is why we are your ideal partner for the German and European markets. Contact us for a non-binding initial consultation to discover how we can make your Google Ads campaigns successful.

    Why Germany for the EU market entry with Google Ads?

    Who are we?
    We are Searchperts and have specialized in Google Ads in e-commerce since 2018. With over 1500 campaigns and an ad spend of more than 5 million euros per year, we consistently bring new suitable customers to your online store. Our expertise for the German and European market uncovers weaknesses such as faulty conversion tracking and improves your cost-turnover ratio.

    How can we help?
    We offer comprehensive support with the setup and legal aspects of your market entry in Germany as well as other EU countries, as opposed to your local agency in your country of residence. Our data from millions in advertising budgets allows us to develop targeted keywords and effective ad strategies. Additionally, our Bid Optimizer technology continuously optimizes your campaigns for better performance.

    Why Germany?
    Germany is the largest economy in the EU, and with over 2.000 cities partaking in online sales, it offers immense opportunities for e-commerce. With a GDP that supports online sales and 95% of users using Google as a search engine, Germany provides high reach and precise targeting. Amazon has shown that success on other channels is scalable here. Local agencies often reach their limits – that’s why Searchperts is your partner for the German and European market. Contact us for a non-binding initial consultation and find out how we can make your Google Ads campaigns a success.

    Google Ads Service – That’s why we optimize your ads

    Placing an ad on Google Ads is relatively easy these days. So why use an agency that optimizes every ad for you? This is a question that many companies ask themselves in today’s digital marketing landscape. The answer is simple: in a world where user attention spans are shrinking and competition is constantly growing, it is essential that every ad is as effective as possible. Optimization ensures that your ads are not only seen, but also noticed and clicked.

    Optimized ads by our Google Ads agency are the result of careful analysis and adaptation. We take into account the needs and interests of the target audience, the current market trends, and the constantly changing algorithms of search engines and social media. A well-optimized ad from our Google Ads agency speaks directly to the user, provides relevant information and motivates users to take action.

    Another reason for optimized ads through our Google Ads agency is the cost efficiency. Every click on an ad costs money, and without optimization this can quickly lead to unnecessary expenses. Targeting the right audience ensures that every click represents a potential customer. This leads to a higher return on investment (ROI).

    Your Google Ads expert for performance marketing

    In the dynamic world of digital marketing, it’s not always easy to stay on top of things. Our team comes with 20 years of experience in search engine marketing and has only one goal: to help your company prevail in the jungle of search engine marketing. Our Google Ads Services Agency has established itself as a trustworthy partner for effective ads. Every ad we place is perfectly tailored to your business.

    Our Google Ads Management Services go beyond just placing ads. We rely on clear strategies to win real customers for you. With a monthly budget of between 5.000€ and 60.000€ and the trust of over 50 clients, we are proud to be part of their success story. Our close collaboration, regular growth sessions and detailed performance analysis ensure that your brand is presented in the best possible way. Searchperts is not just about numbers, but about real stories and real results. So if you’re looking for a partner who shares your vision and knows how to create real value, you’ve come to the right place.

    What are the common billing models on the Google Ads agency market?

    There are basically 4 common pricing models of Google Ads agencies

    Billing by hours – There is an agreement on a predetermined number of hours. The downside is that the agency stops optimizing the account as soon as the hours are reached. Also, every SEA manager has a different speed, so the performance can be very arbitrary.

    Billing by fixed price – The model of billing by fixed price is comparable to the previous model of billing by the hour. Agencies usually scale these according to the advertising budget managed, whereby growth can be blocked by scaling. Due to the scaling, agencies‘ costs often rise disproportionately to the budget. There is also the additional risk of not knowing how many hours the agency really works on the account. Since the agency has no performance-based incentive, agencies in this model work more as administrators and are often not interested in the growth of Google Ads campaigns, but rather in the client who pays the highest price.

    Billing by percentage % of advertising budget – The agency determines a percentage of the advertising budget and then invoices for this. This can result in extreme fluctuations in the agency costs and the interests of the agency and the customer do not coincide. The agency wants to spend more advertising budget in order to earn more, but this does not mean that the online store will generate more sales via Google Ads or that the ads will be more profitable. The rate is usually higher at first and then decreases as the advertising budget increases. Agencies that take a share of the managed advertising budget usually charge 10-25%.


    Performance-based billing

    % Percentage share by sales – In this case, a percentage of the store’s total turnover is taken as the basis for the performance fee. As a rule, a distinction is made between brand and non-brand sales. Even if it seems like a very fair model at first glance, in reality it has nothing to do with performance or success-based billing. Because the agency has contributed nothing to the previous success and the associated sales level of the store and the Google Ads campaigns, it is unfair to the customer to participate in the total sales that come via Google Ads, as this was already there prior to the collaboration. This is not really performance-based billing.

    % Percentage share by profit – The other performance-based model refers to the turnover of profitability targets. This model is very rare and is often offered by agencies that have just entered the market. It is a fair model, but the targets must be precisely defined and evaluated. There is a risk here that if the targets are agreed too ambitiously, the agency will lose interest in the project and may use risky strategies to somehow achieve the targets in the short term.

    What models are only available with us?

    Performance-based billing according to the cost cutting model – The agency charges a percentage of the Google Ads savings. It is important to note that all performance indicators such as the number of leads or total sales in relation to the CPL or ROAS remain the same. This means that the agency manages to achieve the same results with less advertising budget and is only remunerated from the savings. This model is a very fair model, as both sides have exactly the same interests.

    Authentic performance-based billing according to additional sales – The agency determines a percentage of the additional sales compared to the previous year or the previous month. This depends on whether it is a seasonal product or whether the product is sold equally throughout the year. It should be noted that the growth takes place under the same conditions in terms of profitability such as CPL, KUR or ROAS. As this model is linked to the success of scaling and profitability, this is true performance-based billing with our Google Ads agency model.

    Do companies without a high four- or five-figure Google Ads budget really need an agency?

    We believe that companies without a monthly advertising budget of at least 6.000-10.000€ for Google Ads, for a period of at least six months, do NOT need ongoing support from a Google Ads agency. Most conventional agency models prove to be outdated, unprofitable and out of date in this context. At such a budget level, it is recommended to invest the financial resources that would otherwise be earmarked for paying an agency directly into the Google Ads advertising budget, as this usually leads to more effective results. At this budget level, an agency can hardly achieve sufficient leverage to justify the cost of its services. However, the situation is different for constant budgets above 10.000€ per month, where a continuous partnership is recommended.

    What’s the ideal solution for companies that have between 500€ to 5000€ Google Ads budget?

    For companies with a Google Ads budget of up to around 5.000€ per month, the most efficient solution is often less than what seems obvious at first glance. Many assume that continuous support from an agency is essential. In practice, however, this often leads to companies hiring an agency that may not have the necessary specialization. It is not uncommon for such agencies to bill monthly without the performance of Google Ads campaigns improving noticeably or in some cases even declining.

    This phenomenon is mostly due to the fact that agencies with a large number of clients are not able to devote the necessary time and attention to individual campaigns. A typical Google Ads manager in such agencies looks after between 15 and 30 clients, which makes individual and intensive support almost impossible. Instead, these agencies focus on „putting out fires“ and ensuring that the campaigns run without major problems.

    A more efficient approach would be to establish a solid campaign setup and learn the basic skills yourself. Instead of paying 500€ to 2.000€ per month to an agency, this money could be better invested in the Google advertising budget. With a monthly advertising budget of 4.000€ to 5.000€, it is practically impossible for an agency to create enough added value to justify its own costs.

    Therefore, the recommendation is to hire a specialized agency for the setup and optimization of Google Ads campaigns on a short-term basis, approximately 3 months. The key here lies in the transfer of knowledge. In this way, the company can not only save the costs of maintaining an additional employee, which can quickly add up to over 50.000€ per year, but also the expenses for an agency that does not deliver any performance improvements at this budget level.

    Additional info for our customers:
    Our offer aims to maximize the return on investment (ROI) of your Google Ads campaigns. We achieve this through a masterclass, a hybrid solution in which we work with you to set up, optimize and manage your campaigns based on data. As part of our Google Ads Academy, you can also build up knowledge independently and as required, and your questions will be clarified in live calls. Our approach enables you not only to make your campaigns more effective, but also to take control of your digital advertising strategy in the long term and save unnecessary agency costs.

    Our Google Ads professionals are known from